Workplace Resilience Through the Power of Social Connections

There is a strong correlation between the power of social connections and workplace resilience. Studies show productivity can be increased by 74% through strong friendships. An epidemic of loneliness has settled over our world and the impact has been disastrous. This interactive presentation explores the impact of social connections on job and life satisfaction. Steps to promote healthy friendships will be discussed. Conflict resolution strategies will be reviewed and listening exercises will be included. Strong social connections can have a dramatic impact on life quality measures. It is important to take intentional steps to foster and preserve these relationships.


The participant will be able to identify:​

  1. The impact of social connections and friendship on workplace resilience​
  2. At least two risk factors associated with loneliness​
  3. At least four steps to promote meaningful social connections and friendship
  4. At least two ways managers can encourage social connections among staff.