Managing the Stress in Your Life

Stress can push us to become the best versions of ourselves. Growth and change rarely occur without it. However, stress can also be disabling with potentially dire consequences to mental and physical health. This presentation is designed to help participants recognize and manage stress.  


The participant will be able to identify:​

  1. The impact of stress on professional growth and development.
  2. At least two risk factors of unmitigated stress.
  3. At least four steps to promote meaningful management of stressful situations.

You Can’t Manage Time – But You Can Manage Yourself

Time is one of the most valuable commodities on earth and we all get the same amount. While we cannot control the number of hours in a day, we do have influence over how we spend our time. This presentation is designed to help participants consider a thoughtful review of how they use their allotted time. Through a systems approach, participants will be challenged to take steps towards more intentional time (self) management.


The participant will be able to identify:​

  1. The importance of time management.
  2. A strategy for analyzing their time utilization.
  3. At least two action items to promote time management.