Using Your Why To Shape The Future

Our purpose, or “Why”, drives our decisions, actions, and goals. It is the inspiring picture of the future that energizes us to achieve.  This interactive presentation will offer 10 practical steps in identifying our “why” and provide tools we can use to shape our future.  


Participants will be able to:

  1. At least 2 reasons people fail to identify their why.
  2. At least 2 considerations when measuring the cost of your why.​
  3. At least 5 steps to put your why to the test.  ​

 ​Selected Bibliography:

Caprino, K. (2021, September 8). Three simple steps to identify your life purpose and leverage it in your career. Forbes.

Khamlub, S., Harun-Or-Rashid, M., Sarker, M. A. B., Hirosawa, T., Outavong, P., & Sakamoto, J. (2013, August). Job satisfaction of health-care workers at health centers in Vientiane Capital and Bolikhamsai Province, Lao PDR. Nagoya journal of medical science.

Maxwell, J. C. (2014). 15 invaluable laws of growth: Live them and reach your potential. Center Street.

Maxwell, John C. (2009). Put your dream to the test: 10 questions that will help you see it and Seize it. Thomas Nelson.

Rostami, F., Babaei-Pouya, A., Teimori-Boghsani, G., Jahangirimehr, A., Mehri, Z., & Feiz-Arefi, M. (2021, July 20). Mental workload and job satisfaction in Healthcare Workers: The moderating role of job control. Frontiers.

Warley, S. (2024a, February 15). Find your why to get unstuck. Life Skills That Matter.

Warley, S. (2024b, March 3). The #1 self-awareness habit. Life Skills That Matter.