Antipsychotic Stewardship

Antipsychotic Stewardship 

The risks associated with antipsychotic usage in older adults is well documented. Despite the fact they are not approved for behavioral and psychological symptoms associated with dementia, their use remains common. This presentation will review some of the risk factors associated with antipsychotic agents, the CMS regulatory requirements for clients in long term care, and some practical tips to employ antipsychotic stewardship. Finally, specific antipsychotics will be compared for their safety profiles.  


Participants will be able to: 

  1. Identify at least three risk factors of antipsychotics.  
  1. Recall at least two regulatory considerations when using antipsychotics. 
  1. State at least 3 actionable steps that can be used to promote antipsychotic stewardship 


  1. Neuropsychiatric symptoms associated with dementia 
  1. Initiating an antipsychotic agent 
  1. Regulatory mandates surrounding antipsychotics 
  1. Choosing an appropriate antipsychotic 
  1. Reducing antipsychotics