Protecting Your License from Board Discipline

A healthcare professional’s odds of facing a board discipline case far exceed those of being sued and the threshold for proof of misconduct is surprisingly low. The impact of these cases can have devastating effects on licensees. This presentation will walk participants through the process of a board investigation and offer insights into license protection. Nursing case study examples will be included. This presentation does not constitute legal advice.

Objectives: The participant will be able to identify:

  1. The mission of boards of nursing  
  2. At least three steps of the nursing discipline process
  3. At least three actions the board of nursing can take against a licensee
  4. At least two strategies to avoid board discipline.

Selected References:

Brous, E. (n.d.). CEARTICLEPRINT. Lippincott®Nursing Center®.

Discipline. NCSBN. (n.d.).

Fenney, A. (2023, March 22). What is the role of the State Board of Nursing?.

Gray, J. (2021). In Defense of Occupational Licensing: A legal practitioner’s …

Nurse Practice Act statutes & administrative … (n.d.).

State Licensing Board Compliance results. The NPDB – U.S. Map of Compliance Data by State. (n.d.).

Understanding the impact of patient complaints on Your Nursing License. Unlock Legal. (2024, December 4).

Using Your Why To Shape The Future

Our purpose, or “Why”, drives our decisions, actions, and goals. It is the inspiring picture of the future that energizes us to achieve.  This interactive presentation will offer 10 practical steps in identifying our “why” and provide tools we can use to shape our future.  


Participants will be able to:

  1. At least 2 reasons people fail to identify their why.
  2. At least 2 considerations when measuring the cost of your why.​
  3. At least 5 steps to put your why to the test.  ​

 ​Selected Bibliography:

Caprino, K. (2021, September 8). Three simple steps to identify your life purpose and leverage it in your career. Forbes.

Khamlub, S., Harun-Or-Rashid, M., Sarker, M. A. B., Hirosawa, T., Outavong, P., & Sakamoto, J. (2013, August). Job satisfaction of health-care workers at health centers in Vientiane Capital and Bolikhamsai Province, Lao PDR. Nagoya journal of medical science.

Maxwell, J. C. (2014). 15 invaluable laws of growth: Live them and reach your potential. Center Street.

Maxwell, John C. (2009). Put your dream to the test: 10 questions that will help you see it and Seize it. Thomas Nelson.

Rostami, F., Babaei-Pouya, A., Teimori-Boghsani, G., Jahangirimehr, A., Mehri, Z., & Feiz-Arefi, M. (2021, July 20). Mental workload and job satisfaction in Healthcare Workers: The moderating role of job control. Frontiers.

Warley, S. (2024a, February 15). Find your why to get unstuck. Life Skills That Matter.

Warley, S. (2024b, March 3). The #1 self-awareness habit. Life Skills That Matter.

Talk is Cheap, but Communication is Pure Gold

To achieve success in your professional and personal life you must develop the art of communication. This is a skill set we can acquire through intentionality which can open doors we may never have imagined possible.  Skilled communicators have better relationships, less conflict, and enhanced influence.  This interactive session will focus on practical steps we can take to improve our communication skills.


  • Participants will be able to identify:​
  1. At least 3 ways to improve their communication techniques​
  2. At least 2 strategies to find common ground with those who hold opposing views.​
  3. At least 2 practical steps to inspire others through the art of communication. ​

Managing the Stress in Your Life

Stress can push us to become the best versions of ourselves. Growth and change rarely occur without it. However, stress can also be disabling with potentially dire consequences to mental and physical health. This presentation is designed to help participants recognize and manage stress.  


The participant will be able to identify:​

  1. The impact of stress on professional growth and development.
  2. At least two risk factors of unmitigated stress.
  3. At least four steps to promote meaningful management of stressful situations.

You Can’t Manage Time – But You Can Manage Yourself

Time is one of the most valuable commodities on earth and we all get the same amount. While we cannot control the number of hours in a day, we do have influence over how we spend our time. This presentation is designed to help participants consider a thoughtful review of how they use their allotted time. Through a systems approach, participants will be challenged to take steps towards more intentional time (self) management.


The participant will be able to identify:​

  1. The importance of time management.
  2. A strategy for analyzing their time utilization.
  3. At least two action items to promote time management.

Workplace Resilience Through the Power of Social Connections

There is a strong correlation between the power of social connections and workplace resilience. Studies show productivity can be increased by 74% through strong friendships. An epidemic of loneliness has settled over our world and the impact has been disastrous. This interactive presentation explores the impact of social connections on job and life satisfaction. Steps to promote healthy friendships will be discussed. Conflict resolution strategies will be reviewed and listening exercises will be included. Strong social connections can have a dramatic impact on life quality measures. It is important to take intentional steps to foster and preserve these relationships.


The participant will be able to identify:​

  1. The impact of social connections and friendship on workplace resilience​
  2. At least two risk factors associated with loneliness​
  3. At least four steps to promote meaningful social connections and friendship
  4. At least two ways managers can encourage social connections among staff.

Enhancing Your Influence

We are in a constant state of influencing others and being influenced. Maximizing our ability to impact those around us is attainable if we take the time to develop our skill set and learn about the people we desire to influence. This presentation will help us become more intentional in our efforts to maximize our sphere of influence.


  • Participants will be able to identify at least three things they need to learn about those they desire to influence
  • Participants will be able to recall at least two characteristics they must possess as a good leader
  • Participants will be able to identify at least two tactics that will help them enhance their influence

The Drive to De-Prescribe

Polypharmacy is becoming an epidemic in western society and the hazards are numerous. Older adults are disproportionally affected. This presentation will take an in depth look at what is creating this crisis, the risks involved, and how to avert it. De-prescribing is getting a lot more attention in the literature and health care staff need to know what to do to assist in this movement.

Objectives: The participant will be able to

  • Define polypharmacy
  • Recall why older adults are at higher risk of adverse drug events
  • Identify at least two considerations when looking at a medication list
  • Name at least two drugs that may represent a high risk for older adults

Care for the Caregiver

Compassion fatigue has plagued many caregivers resulting in emotional and physical distress. This presentation will help participants identify personal areas of compassion satisfaction vs. compassion fatigue. We will discuss ways to create positivity and care for self.


Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify at least two risk factors for compassion fatigue.
  2. Assess their personal level of compassion fatigue.
  3. Recall at least two strategies to promote compassion satisfaction.

Dying Well

When someone is given a terminal diagnosis, family and friends often rally around that individual and pledge together to fight it. When death finally takes the person, those at the funeral find comfort when people say they “fought until the end”. What is the true cost of this approach, and does it rob individuals from really living and then dying well? When we are engaged in a battle it is exhausting and leaves little time for anything else. Making meaningful memories and connecting with loved ones gets pushed to the back burner as we spend all our time, energy, and resources in hospitals and searching for a miracle cure. This presentation will engage the listener as they consider stories of clients who have “fought until the end”. It will encourage them that there is more to fight for as they consider what legacy they leave—to not just live well, but to “die well”.


The participant will be able to:

  1. Consider what they would consider to be an ideal death
  2. Identify ways to help clients consider goals of care in end of life discussions
  3. Identify at least three interventions to assist with management of symptoms at the end of life