Pharm: Reaping a Harvest from your Crop of Students

This presentation is designed to demonstrate practical ways to engage students in the understanding of pharmacologic content. A focus on the pathophysiologic approach to pharmacology and the use of interactive learning styles is emphasized.

Learning Outcomes

  • Participants will identify how understanding the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system aids in understanding a number of pharmacologic agents.
  • Participants will identify the role of teaching neurotransmitters to enhance pharmacologic understanding.
  • Participants will be able to identify at least one way to engage auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners in understanding pharmacologic content.

Summary of Presentation

Engaging students in interactive learning that enhances understanding and not simply memorization of pharmacologic content is critical to their ability to practice as a nursing student and a nurse in the future. This presentation demonstrates creative ways to help students understand the role of neurotransmitters in disease processes and how that relates to the medications that are utilized. If students understand the role of neurotransmitters, then they can comprehend what happens when we block or mimic them. Examples of ways to reach auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners will be utilized.